In case you do not watch the news, or tv, listen to the radio, read the newspaper, go to school, or live in the general public I'm here to tell you election day is tomorrow. As a student at a University filled with young, overly active people all hoping to you will "rock the vote" I know the vote is tomorrow. I'd have to be deaf, blind, mute, and maybe drunk to not know it was tomorrow.
Last Friday I was sitting in the University Center minding my own business when a young man approached me asking if I had decided who to vote for. When I replied yes (a lie, I just wanted him to go away, and yes I am a bad person), he asked who. That shocked me. I know he was just trying to poll me but if I had not offered the information up immediately then I didn't want to tell him.
All of this craziness about voting has been getting on my nerves. I know the idea is to get the word out and get that percentage of citizens voting up, but if one more person tells me to vote for Obama I will hurt them. I don't know about you, but I arrived at my decision about who I want to be my future president and vice president by reading articles, watching the news, and trying to remain as non partisan as possible. I'm a registered independent, which means I can vote for anyone I please, and this gets one of two reactions. Either the oh, okay, huh? or the but why?? don't you want to be overly active in your biased and corrupt political party?? I'm not saying that everyone who is registed elephant or donkey is like this, just that the people asking me seem to be.
When you are at a University that has never in its history voted republican it is obvious where the general opinion lies, but to all you ralliers and gung ho folks out there. Shut up and let me be. You are annoying. And I hate to say it, but I think maybe, just maybe I know more about who I should vote for than you do.